2022 Municipal Elections Town Hall for the City of Victoria Candidates

2022 Municipal Elections Town Hall for the City of Victoria Candidates

Press Release

Victoria, BC, September 22, 2022 – The Downtown Service Providers (DSP) Committee will be hosting a Municipal Elections Townhall on September 27, 2022, at the First Met Fellowship Hall, from 6 – 8 PM.

The town hall aims to bring together all candidates running for Mayor and Councilor of the City of Victoria with the primary focus of putting the homelessness issue at the forefront of the discussion. It will also provide the opportunity for the candidates to engage with the audience and answer their questions.

Gregor Craigie will moderate this public event, wherein each candidate will have an opportunity to make a short statement. This will be followed by a question-and-answer session from those in attendance. Attendees wishing to pose a question to the candidates may do so by submitting their question(s) in writing at the event. Questions will be prioritized by topic, with the moderator asking the most frequently submitted questions first.

All mayoral and city council candidates in the City of Victoria have been invited to the town hall. The following are the Mayoral and Councilor candidates who will participate in the Town hall.

Mayoral Candidates:

  • ALTO, Marianne
  • ANDREW, Stephen
  • JOHNSTON, David Arthur
  • WIBOLTT, Michelle

City Council Candidates:

  • CARADONNA, Jeremy
  • COLEMAN, Christopher Mark
  • DUNCAN, Rob
  • GARDINER, Marg
  • KIM, Susan
  • KING, Anna
  • LOUGHTON, Krista
  • ORCHERTON, Steve
  • PARENTEAU, Emmanuel
  • THOMPSON, Dave
  • YACOWAR, Tony

Five questions have been sent out to all candidates running for the municipal elections across the region. The questions do not only ask about candidates’ plans and stand on the homelessness issue, but also seek their commitment to support concrete actions, should they be elected. The questions and candidates’ answers are posted here https://victoriahomelessness.ca/2022-municipal-elections/.

The DSP Committee is comprised of service providers operating in Victoria’s downtown core or serving populations in the downtown core, who meet monthly since 2002 to share information, coordinate activities, and develop collaborative strategies to address the needs in the downtown core. Membership includes representatives of service delivery organizations, city council, city staff, police, and local businesses, as well as funding, advocacy, and social policy agencies.

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The Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness (GVCEH) is a partnership of local service providers, non-profit organizations, all levels of government, and business, post-secondary, and faith communities. The GVCEH’s mission is to ensure experiences of homelessness in the Capital Region by 2030 are rare, brief, and non-recurring and that housing and supports are culturally adaptive, creative, caring, and person-centered.



For more information:

Althea Divinagracia
Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness
c: 250.893.6570