Board of Directors 2023/2024

The Board of Directors oversees the Alliance and is responsible for all key decisions. Additionally, they provide the Executive Committee and Executive Director with strategic and operational direction.

  • Sean Dhillon – Community Co-Chair
  • Cliff McNeil-Smith – Co-Chair, CRD Appointment
    Mayor of Sidney
Board members 
  • Donald Kattler – Director
    Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness
  • Emily Sluggett – Director, Treasurer
  • Erika Stenson – Director
    Executive Director, United Way Southern Vancouver Island
  • Jahanvah – Director
    Person with Lived Experience
  • Jennifer Fox – Appointment
    Regional Director for Vancouver Island, BC Housing TBC
  • Kelly Reid – Director
    Director of Mental Health & Addictions Services, Island Health
  • Kevin Murdoch – Director, CRD Appointment
    Mayor of Oak Bay
  • Marie-Térèse Little – Director
  • Sandra Richardson – Director
    Executive Director, Victoria Foundation
  • Susan Kim – Director Youth Rep.
  • Troy Tucker – Director
    Person with Lived Experience

A conversation with former Co-Chair, Ted Hughes

Executive Committees

In administratively and operationally supporting the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Board in various capacities, particularly between Board meetings. The Executive Committee assists in developing Board agendas, reviewing supporting documentation on route to the next Board meeting, providing the Board’s Co Chairs with operational advice, and addressing urgent situations.

Finance and Audit Committee

The Finance and Audit Committee assists the Board in discharging its oversight responsibilities with respect to finances, financial reporting, financial and corporate policies and internal and external audit.

Governance and Policy Committee

With the guidance of the Board, the Governance and Policy Committee addresses matters relating to the Board’s role as an employer, as well as acts as a policy committee.