Youngsters collecting warm socks for the homeless

A grade 5 student from Deep Cove Elementary is collecting socks and warm winter items for the family at Our Place. Read more

A family struggles to rebuild after narrow escape from fire

A family from the Pauquachin First Nation in North Saanich are struggling to put the pieces back together after a devastating fire a week ago. Read more

Victoria churches partnering with non-profits to house poor

The Greater Victoria Housing Society and First Metropolitan United Church are exploring opportunities to build affordable housing on church land. Read more

Province promises safety, affordability in housing strategy update

The Province has updated it’s  BC Housing Matters strategy. Collaboration and affordable housing focused strategies are among the updates. Read more

As temperature dips in Victoria, shelter visits climb

Another severe cold snap has settled in across Victoria – the second time this winter. Read more

Group proposes a simple fix for homelessness: build homes

The Times Colonist profile of the Coalition’s Priority Housing Project List: Read more

The Hope Centre is on schedule

Hope Centre is underway and on schedule. It’s great to see a Coalition Priority Housing Project List development underway. Read more

Police often on the front line for mental health

Police officers in Greater Victoria are often doing more than just keeping the piece. Read more

Q&A: Making a positive difference in the lives of others

A Q&A with Don Evans of Our Place Society. Read more

Politicos aim to place poverty on legislative radar

The Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria has successfully had every MLA and MP from the region sign the Community Action Plan on Poverty. Read more