Victoria youth report feeling disconnected from community

Victoria Foundation have released the Youth Vital Signs report and it says many youth in Greater Victoria feel disconnected. Read more

Centre will bring hope to many at risk

Hope Centre’s officially underway! Read more

Cost of living weighs heavily on Greater Victoria residents

Cost of living continues to be the top issue facing residents in Greater Victoria. Not far behind is housing and homelessness. Read more

Cost of living is top concern of region’s residents: Vital Signs

Cost of living, housing and homelessness continue to be top issues in Greater Victoria. Read more

Tenants evicted from Victoria rooming house file complaints

Former tenants of a rooming house on Balmoral are taking action after possibly being illegally evicted. Read more

Coupon donations add up $2 by $2 for B.C. food banks

$2 donations can make a real difference in the fight against hunger in BC. Read more

Victoria artist sows seeds of sanctuary at Woodwynn farm

Woodwynn is getting an art installation, courtesy of a local artist. Read more

Ending homelessness still lacks political will: advocate

Homelessness can be ended in Greater Victoria – with more supportive and affordable housing. Read more

Pain relief, one tooth at a time

Going to the dentist is a bi-annual event for many in Greater Victoria, but for those living in poverty it’s a much different story. Read more

Healing and redemption in the garden

Victoria is known as the Garden City. For these hard-working folks gardening is more than just weeding and harvesting. Read more