Magnificent mural taking shape at Our Place recreation room

Our Place is getting a new mural – watch the progress on Vital People. Read more

boat parked in the water

Living on boats to be a thing of the past in Victoria’s Gorge

boat parked in the water

Live-aboards on the Gorge are soon to be no longer, raising concerns about where the at-risk residents will go. Read more

Victoria contributes $112,000 to Saanich affordable housing project

The City of Victoria has voted to contribute funding to an affordable housing development in Saanich. Read more

Debate over controversial Victoria development goes to public hearing

Controversial project on the site of the old St Andrews school goes before the public. Read more

Overnight anchoring in the Gorge ending soon

Boaters overnighting on the Gorge waterway will soon have to pull up anchor. Read more

Elizabeth May lays out plan to end homelessness

The Green Party leader Elizabeth May releases the party’s homelessness platform. Read more

Editorial: Fair Elections Act makes it worse

Times Colonist Editorial on the new voter rules/restrictions. Read more

New rules make it harder for marginalized to vote, advocates say

With a federal election coming in October advocates are raising concerns over new voting requirements. Read more

Dean Fortin, former Victoria mayor, to head social housing group

Former mayor Dean Fortin has taken on the post as ED of Pacifica. Read more

Direct from farm to food bank, thanks to a bountiful summer

A bumper crop on local farms is helping those in need in our community. Read more