Giving thanks at Our Place

Our Place’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner was held on Thursday. Read more

Affordable homes in short supply: Vital Signs

Cost of Living, Housing, Mental Illness and Homelessness are top issues to Victorians according to the latest Vital Signs report. Read more

Home for at-risk youth unveiled after extreme makeover

Thanks to the hard work by the team at HeroWork, Threshold’s newest building is now complete! Read more

100 Women ‘restores my faith in humanity,’ says charity chief

Umbrella Society has received a $14,000 donation from the charitable group 100 Women. Read more

Our Place expands winter hours

Our Place has extended their hours of service. Read more

Has homelessness been reduced in Victoria?

Judith Lavioe takes a look at the state of homelessness in Greater Victoria. Read more

Volunteers turn Victoria apartment building into housing for youth

Threshold’s new youth apartment building is really coming along thanks to the HeroWork team. Read more

Free camping in city parks a dilemma for Victoria

Councillors at the City of Victoria are looking to tackle the challenge of camping in Victoria parks. Read more

B.C. mayors push province on mental health

BC Mayors are pushing the Province to provide long-term-care beds for the severely mentally ill. Read more