‘Living wage’ rises in Victoria making life here less affordable

The Community Social Planning Council has released the living wage in Greater Victoria – $18.93/hr is required to meet the basic costs of living (up from $18.73 last year). Read more

Foster children need support after age 19: report

A recent report concludes children require support after they age out of care. Read more

EDITORIAL: Homelessness isn’t going to disappear

Interesting editorial from Victoria News in response to the Coalition’s recent survey. Read more

Charity dental care fills local need

Dentistry is a luxury too many in our community cannot afford. One local dentist is taking action and offering a free day of dental. Read more

Dandelion Society offers Easter service with a twist

For the third year in a row Rev. Al of the Dandelion Society is offering an Easter service and breakfast for Victorians experiencing homelessness. Read more

Homelessness not an issue, many Greater Victorians say in survey

Homelessness is not an issue in some communities according to a recent survey done by the Coalition. Read more

West Shore sees growing need for youth housing

Threshold Housing says more housing for at-risk youth is needed in the West Shore. Read more

A groundbreaking study suggests giving homeless Canadians homes first saves money

The Mental Health Commissions At Home-Chez Soi project is complete and the results are in – housing first saves money and keeps people housed. Read more

Study finds ‘housing first’ strategy saves money, keeps people off street

The results of the At Home-Chez Soi project are in and they find that housing first strategies save money for the tax payer and keep people housed. Read more

Cold Weather Shelter

A cold weather shelter shuts down for the season leaving, many to sleep on the streets again. Shaw TV’s Sucheta Singh has the story. Read more