Waiting list for subsidized housing in Victoria stretches on for years

The Committee to End Homelessness draws attention to the long waitlist and lack of affordable/supportive housing by awarding the ‘longest wait on the BC Housing Registry’ prize. Read more

Charity looking for partners to help fill Christmas wishes

Local charity is giving Greater Victorians the opportunity to play Santa for those experiencing homelessness in our community. Read more

Victoria homeless advocacy group chastises housing wait list

The Committee to End Homelessness is ‘awarding’ a man who’d been on the BC Housing Registry for 5 years with a trophy and gift card. Read more

Victoria’s homeless asked for Christmas wish list

Those experiencing homelessness in Greater Victoria are once again being asked what they would like to find under the tree on Christmas morning. Read more

St. Michaels taking on poverty

SMU students are organizing a conference on poverty this weekend.  Read more

Employers battle transport and taxes

Affordable housing was a key issue at the recent Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce’s 2013 Tour of Industry. Read more

Shelter groups prepare for homeless as winter approaches

As the weather grows cold, Coalition partners across the city are preparing to launch the EWP. Read more

Vital People

Great profile of the Coalition and our activities on Chek’s Vital People. Read more

Project Connect fair at Our Place brings services, goods and community to Victoria’s homeless

Project Connect, an annual event hosted by the Coalition, brings together service providers (and services) in a one-day fair for those experiencing homelessness and extreme poverty. Read more

Homeless population small but selective

Homelessness does exist on the Westshore – it’s just not as visible. Read more