Oak Bay-Gordon Head candidates lay out plans to address poverty

The UVIC Poverty Law Club and the Coalition hosted an All Candidates Meeting on Poverty and Homelessness on Saturday. The Times Colonist’s coverage: Read more

MLA Candidates answer questions on Poverty and Homelessness

Leading up to the April 20 Oak Bay – Gordon Head All Candidates Meeting on Poverty and Homelessness, the UVIC Poverty Law Club and the Coalition posed six questions to the Candidates. Read more

Society, developers join to fill need for low-cost rental housing

The Greater Victoria Housing Society estimates we will need 360+ more rental apartment units to be built each year for the next 25 years. Read more

EDITORIAL: Housing issue election fodder

Housing and homelessness – will it become an election issue? Read more

Residents want more done to solve homelessness: survey

Greater Victoria is optimistic that homelessness can be ended in our community according to a recent survey. Read more

Survey: government should provide affordable housing

How do Greater Victorian’s feel about homelessness?
Read more

This isn’t charity, it’s a job

Cool Aid’s causal labour pool  encourages Victoria employers to hire people experiencing homelessness. Read more

Good Friday service at Centennial Square held for homeless

Rev. Al held a special service  and breakfast today – a day when no other services were open. Read more

This one’s for the dogs: Our Place offers pet-food bank

Our Place is now offering a pet-food bank for the furry friends of those experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Read more

Cool Aid’s Casual Labour Pool helps job seekers clear hurdles

Cool Aid’s Casual Labour Pool connects those looking for work with employers seeking temporary or casual labour. Read more