In fire aftermath, View Towers ‘renovictions’ condemned

Archive, In the News

A Rally for Solidarity was held yesterday. Condemning the ‘renovictions’ of View Towers residents. 

View Towers residents and poverty advocates gathered at the corner of Fort and Quadra streets Wednesday to take a stand against the way tenants have been treated after the fire that displaced 70 people. With the 19-storey apartment building looming in the background, some shared stories of being told their furniture is contaminated and they’ll have to pay thousands to get it professionally cleaned before moving it out. Others have complained of being coerced into signing a mutual agreement to end tenancy on the premise that their home was uninhabitable after the May 15 fire, only to find out there’s little to no damage in the suite.

Read the article: In fire aftermath, View Towers ‘renovictions’ condemned

Source: Times Colonist