Supporting Essential Healthcare for Vulnerable Populations: The Vital Role of Cool Aid Community Health Centre

Supporting Essential Healthcare for Vulnerable Populations: The Vital Role of Cool Aid Community Health Centre

Event, Media, News

At AEHCR, we are inspired by the incredible work of Cool Aid Community Health Centre, which provides vital healthcare services to over 7,000 vulnerable individuals annually. These include those experiencing homelessness, mental health challenges, infectious diseases, substance use issues, and chronic illnesses.

Cool Aid’s mission is to offer barrier-free access to healthcare for those who are precariously housed, homeless, or dealing with complex mental health and substance use problems. This focused approach ensures that the most marginalized receive the care they need to rebuild their lives.

In partnership with Island Health and the City of Victoria, Cool Aid delivers comprehensive services, addressing both immediate health concerns and long-term well-being. However, due to high demand, the centre is currently not accepting new patients and does not keep a waiting list.

Cool Aid operates structured clinics and mobile units to reach individuals unable to visit the main centre, demonstrating their commitment to accessible healthcare. We are excited to announce that AEHCR is adding schedules for these mobile health clinics on our website for June and July 2024. This initiative aims to enhance accessibility and ensure more people can benefit from these essential services.

As supporters, we at AEHCR encourage everyone to contribute—whether through volunteering, donating, or raising awareness. Together, we can ensure Cool Aid continues its crucial work, fostering a healthier, more inclusive community for all.

Note: Folks cannot access care from the mobile clinics unless they are residents or clients of the sites. People not connected to a site can access care when the mobile clinics are at Rock Bay Landing or the Pandora corridor.

Cool Aid Mobile Health Clinic Schedule Van 1 June 2024
Cool Aid Mobile Health Clinic Schedule Van 2 June 2024
Cool Aid Mobile Health Clinic Schedule Van 1 July 2024
Cool Aid Mobile Health Clinic Schedule Van 2 July 2024