Season’s Fireworks Schedule – Affected Neighborhoods

The Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region would like to share this announcement on behalf of the Wilson’s Group Stadium at Royal Athletic Park as it affects neighbours in the area.

The season’s fireworks will be on the following dates:

Saturday June 8th
Sunday June 30th
Saturday July 13th and
Monday August 5th (BC Day).

Depending on lightness and barring extra innings or other game delays, the fireworks commonly start anywhere from 9:45pm to 10pm and run for approximately 18 minutes.

Supporting Essential Healthcare for Vulnerable Populations: The Vital Role of Cool Aid Community Health Centre

At AEHCR, we are inspired by the incredible work of Cool Aid Community Health Centre, which provides vital healthcare services to over 7,000 vulnerable individuals annually. These include those experiencing homelessness, mental health challenges, infectious diseases, substance use issues, and chronic illnesses.

Cool Aid’s mission is to offer barrier-free access to healthcare for those who are precariously housed, homeless, or dealing with complex mental health and substance use problems. This focused approach ensures that the most marginalized receive the care they need to rebuild their lives.

In partnership with Island Health and the City of Victoria, Cool Aid delivers comprehensive services, addressing both immediate health concerns and long-term well-being. However, due to high demand, the centre is currently not accepting new patients and does not keep a waiting list.

Cool Aid operates structured clinics and mobile units to reach individuals unable to visit the main centre, demonstrating their commitment to accessible healthcare. We are excited to announce that AEHCR is adding schedules for these mobile health clinics on our website for June and July 2024. This initiative aims to enhance accessibility and ensure more people can benefit from these essential services.

As supporters, we at AEHCR encourage everyone to contribute—whether through volunteering, donating, or raising awareness. Together, we can ensure Cool Aid continues its crucial work, fostering a healthier, more inclusive community for all.

Note: Folks cannot access care from the mobile clinics unless they are residents or clients of the sites. People not connected to a site can access care when the mobile clinics are at Rock Bay Landing or the Pandora corridor.

Cool Aid Mobile Health Clinic Schedule Van 1 June 2024
Cool Aid Mobile Health Clinic Schedule Van 2 June 2024
Cool Aid Mobile Health Clinic Schedule Van 1 July 2024
Cool Aid Mobile Health Clinic Schedule Van 2 July 2024

Unveiling Solutions: Insights from the CityTalk Webinar on Canada’s Housing Crisis

In a pivotal discussion titled “From Dollars to Doors: The Federal Budget’s Answer to Canada’s Housing Crisis,” the CityTalk webinar dissected the federal government’s budgetary response to the pressing housing affordability and homelessness challenges. Hosted by the esteemed Smart Prosperity Institute, the webinar convened a panel of leading experts, each offering unique perspectives on the matter.

Panel Overview

The panel comprised luminaries in the field, including Carolyn Whitzman, an Adjunct Professor and Housing Researcher at the University of Ottawa; Cherise Burda, Executive Director of City Building at Toronto Metropolitan University; Jesse Helmer, a Senior Research Associate at the Smart Prosperity Institute; Lisa Helps, the Executive Lead of the BC Builds Project Origination; and Tsering Yangki, the Executive Vice President of Real Estate Finance & Development at Dream Unlimited Corp. Facilitating the dialogue was the capable moderator Mary W. Rowe.

Insights Unveiled

  1. Renter’s Rights and Rapid Housing: Whitzman’s discourse emphasized the imperative of bolstering renters’ rights while advocating for a holistic approach to rapid housing solutions, spotlighting the burgeoning mainstream acceptance of such initiatives.
  2. Focus on Rentals and Density: Burda echoed the sentiment, stressing the need for a concerted focus on rental housing. She championed policies aimed at preserving existing affordable housing stock and fostering densification in urban planning endeavors.
  3. Private Sector Dynamics: Yangki delved into the private sector’s response to the budget, lauding the collaborative ethos required to surmount housing challenges. She commended the government’s lending strategies as prudent steps towards addressing the housing crunch.
  4. Implementation Hurdles: Helmer elucidated on the practical challenges associated with implementing housing initiatives, drawing attention to past bottlenecks in budget allocations and underscoring the need for streamlined execution mechanisms.
  5. Missing Middle Housing: Helps underscored the importance of tackling the “missing middle” in housing options. She advocated for innovative approaches that cater to diverse housing needs, including the promotion of co-operative and non-profit housing models.

Community Engagement

Throughout the webinar, attendees actively participated, sharing invaluable insights and observations. Concerns were raised about land utilization, the efficacy of affordable housing models, and the pivotal role of public-private partnerships in fostering housing affordability.

Concluding Thoughts

The CityTalk webinar served as a crucible for meaningful discourse, offering a platform for critical reflection on the federal budget’s housing response. As we chart our course forward, collaborative endeavors and innovative solutions will be pivotal in realizing the vision of equitable access to affordable and sustainable housing for all Canadians.


Executive Director of the Alliance Attends Event with Premier David Eby

The Executive Director of the Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region, Sylvia Ceacero, was among the distinguished attendees at the recent breakfast event featuring British Columbia’s Premier, the Honourable David Eby.

Premier Eby, who assumed office in November 2022, addressed a diverse audience of business and community leaders. The Premier provided invaluable insights into the pressing issues shaping the province’s future: from economic prosperity to housing, to transportation and more while offering a unique opportunity for attendees to engage in a moderated Q&A session.

Against the backdrop of the upcoming provincial election, the breakfast served as a platform for dialogue and collaboration, enabling participants to contribute to the ongoing discourse surrounding the province’s future trajectory.

Understanding the challenges and opportunities facing British Columbia and our Region is integral to inform the Alliance’s continued work of advocating for policy change to address housing and health issues that directly affect homelessness and to propose solutions that will accelerating arriving at functional-zero homelessness sooner.

The Alliance reaffirms its dedication to supporting initiatives that drive positive change and foster collaboration within the community. By participating in events that bring together thought leaders and decision-makers, the Alliance continues to demonstrate its commitment to making meaningful contributions to the prosperity and well-being of the Region.

In conclusion, the Executive Director of the Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region’s attendance at the breakfast event with Premier David Eby underscores the organization’s commitment to staying informed, engaged, and actively involved in shaping the future of our Region.


Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders: AEHCR Highlights Flourishing Children and Youth Program Fair

The Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region (AEHCR) is proud to shine a spotlight on the upcoming Flourishing Children and Youth Program Fair, organized by the Collaborative for Youth and Society (CFYS). Scheduled for Thursday, May 9, this annual event serves as a beacon of hope and opportunity for youth, families, and community stakeholders alike.

Please note below the details:

The Collaborative for Youth and Society (CFYS) is hosting the third annual Flourishing Children and Youth Program Fair on Thursday, May 9. As you can see below, we offer this year three discussion panels, including a youth-led panel (like last year) and two workshops in collaboration with the CRD-Community Health Network.

We are inviting all youth- and family-serving organizations and educators to present and showcase community- and school-based programs or initiatives, as well as youth-led projects, that support children, youth, young adults and their families. If you have attended our previous program fairs, you are encouraged to apply again. There is no cost to apply or present, but spots are limited.

Please indicate your attendance at the Program Fair by May 2, 2024 through the CFYS Flourishing Children and Youth Program Fair Registration Form. Please share the link with anybody from your organization who may attend the program fair with you.


8:30am – Opening and Booth Setting

9:00am – Welcome, Main Address

10:00am – Panel #1 “Data to Actions” / Workshop #1 “Equity, Diversity, Inclusion” (concurrent sessions)

11:00am – Poster/Booth presentations

12:00pm – Lunch buffet

1:00pm – Youth-Led Panel

2:00pm – Poster/Booth presentations

2:30pm – Panel #2 “Engaging Youth in Organizations” / Workshop #2 “How to foster collaboration and partnerships”

4:00pm – Conclusion

Federal Budget Signals Bold Step Towards Ending Homelessness: AEHCR Applauds Significant Housing Investments

The recent release of the federal budget has sparked optimism and hope in the fight against homelessness across Canada. The Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region (AEHCR) is proud to lend its voice to this campaign and celebrate the significant housing investments outlined in the budget. These investments mark a crucial step forward in addressing the housing crisis and advancing efforts to achieve functional-zero homelessness.

The AEHCR is elated to see the federal government’s commitment to tackling the housing crisis, which represents the most ambitious federal housing investment in over 50 years. This bold plan lays out a clear path towards solving the housing crisis and alleviating homelessness, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the collective campaigning efforts of organizations like ours.

Key highlights from the budget include:

  • Extension of Funding for Reaching Home: $1 billion over four years to extend funding for Reaching Home, a critical program aimed at preventing and reducing homelessness.
  • Public Lands for Homes Plan: A new initiative to convert existing public lands and buildings into new homes, unlocking 250,000 new units by 2031.
  • Investment to Respond to Encampments: $250 million federal investment, matched by provinces and territories, to respond to encampments and address homelessness.
  • Accelerating Reductions in Homelessness: $50 million to help communities adopt best practices to reduce homelessness and support initiatives aimed at accelerating reductions in homelessness.
  • Affordable Housing Fund: $1 billion investment to support non-profit, cooperative, and public housing providers.
  • Rental Protection Fund: $1.5 billion to preserve the affordable rental housing stock and protect tenants from displacement.

These policies represent significant progress towards reducing homelessness in Canada, with the federal government promising to build 3.87 million homes by 2031. While these investments will have a long-term impact, more must be done to address the immediate wave of homelessness. The AEHCR advocates for the implementation of a Homelessness Prevention and Housing Benefit to help individuals at risk of homelessness stay housed.

The AEHCR acknowledges that these housing announcements are a result of collective advocacy efforts and the growing political power of the movement to end homelessness. It is a testament to the dedication and perseverance of organizations, activists, and individuals who have tirelessly campaigned for change.

As we celebrate this milestone, the AEHCR remains committed to fighting for the rights of our neighbors without a safe place to sleep and those who are struggling to afford housing. Together, we will continue to advocate for policies and initiatives that ensure everyone in Canada has a safe, affordable, and secure place to call home.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this important cause. Let’s keep pushing forward until homelessness is eradicated in our communities and across the country.

International Women’s Day 2024

As we mark International Women’s Day today, we stand in solidarity with women, girls, and femmes across the globe, celebrating their strength and resilience in the face of adversity. This day serves as a reminder of both their remarkable achievements and the ongoing struggle against gender-based violence, misogyny, and oppression.

Tragically, the statistics from the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability paint a grim reality. In 2023, 189 women and girls were violently killed in Canada, with 145 cases involving a male accused. This represents a devastating 19% increase from 2019.

Even more alarming is the fact that 76% of these incidents occur in the supposed safety of their homes. For many, the very place where they should feel secure becomes a trap of violence, exacerbating an already dire housing crisis.

At the Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region, we refuse to accept this cycle of violence. We are committed to empowering survivors on their journey to independence and healing. Our latest blog post details the steps we’re taking to challenge this epidemic and support those affected.

Together, let’s stand with survivors, as depicted in the inspiring photo, as we strive to create a world where every woman, girl, and femme can live free from fear and oppression.

Today, and every day, let us celebrate the strength, unity, and resilience of women everywhere. Together, we can build a future where every woman’s right to safety and dignity is fiercely protected.

The 2025-2030 Community Plan Consultation Successfully Advances Strategies Towards Achieving Functional-Zero for Our Region

After a year-long consultation engagement, the Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region hosted a Community Plan Partner Gathering on January 30, 2024.

The gathering was opened with a blessing from Elder Sky Lafleur and set the participants in a good way. More than 80 partners dedicated to achieving functional zero homelessness in the Capital Region by 2030 gathered to plan our collective efforts to achieve our collective vision of experiences of homelessness are rare, brief, and non-recurring. During the event, we charted the course for decisive advocacy, enhanced communications, intentional engagement, and system’s transformation.

Throughout the day, the participants engaged in a series of facilitated activities aimed at achieving specific objectives:

Informing Partners: Attendees were briefed on the outcomes of community consultations conducted in 2023, which identified key themes and focus areas essential for addressing homelessness.

Generating Actions: Through interactive exercises, partners brainstormed and shared actionable strategies under the themes of Prevention, Data, Housing, and Other. Emphasis was placed on identifying achievable actions that the community could undertake collaboratively.

Theming Actions: Actions were clustered and themed at tables, fostering deeper discussions and identifying emerging patterns and sub-themes. Flexibility was maintained to accommodate new ideas and ensure comprehensive coverage of all focus areas.

Prioritizing Actions: In a group exercise, participants prioritized actions based on urgency, importance, and secondary status. This facilitated a structured approach to tackling issues and ensured focused efforts on critical areas.

Implementation Planning: The final session focused on discussing the implementation of identified actions. Through a blend of whole-group discussions and individual reflections, participants explored necessary steps, identified key stakeholders, and highlighted opportunities for collaboration.

Throughout the day, facilitators provided guidance and support, ensuring a conducive environment for meaningful engagement and dialogue. Participants actively contributed their insights, experiences, and commitments, fostering a sense of ownership and shared responsibility towards the community plan.

As the event concluded, participants left energized with a renewed sense of commitment to collectively act on our shared vision of functional-zero for our region and beyond.

The Community Plan Partner Gathering underscores the power of collective action and highlights the community’s commitment to realizing a future where homelessness the goal of functional zero homelessness by 2030 is within reach.

Happy Holidays from the Alliance

As the holiday season unfolds, we reflect on the challenges and achievements of this past year. In the spirit of togetherness and compassion, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our valued supporters and advocates, who have been instrumental in our mission to address homelessness in Victoria.

The unwavering commitment and support of our community has been a beacon of hope for those experiencing homelessness. Our collective effort has made a significant impact on the lives of individuals and families, providing shelter, sustenance, and a sense of community and belonging.

Let us celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and the power of collective action. Your support has been instrumental in bringing about positive change, and we are deeply grateful.

May the warmth of the holiday season fill your heart with joy, and may the coming year be filled with hope, health, and happiness.

National Memorial Day for Persons Experiencing Homelessness

Join us as we commemorate the National Memorial Day for Persons Experiencing Homelessness. Held annually on the winter solstice and the longest night of the year, National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day is an opportunity to remember those we have lost too early due to the effects of homelessness. Councilor Krista Loughton will be in attendance to make the proclamation for Victoria, as Acting Mayor.