Meeting with the Minister of Children and Family Development

Meeting with the Minister of Children and Family Development

Media, News

Minister Grace Lore and Alliance to End Homelessness Discuss Strategies for Preventing Homelessness

The Honourable Grace Lore, Minister of Children and Family Development engaged in a comprehensive discussion with Sylvia Ceacero, the Executive Director of the Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region. The dialogue centered around vital strategies to prevent homelessness and enhance support systems for vulnerable families.

Key topics addressed during the meeting included prevention measures, housing initiatives, family support programs, and securing funding for essential resources like the Survival Guide. The Executive Director and Dr Michelle Vanchu-Orosco, Director of Research with the Alliance, elaborated on the Alliance’s Community Plan, highlighting its three primary areas of focus: prevention strategies, data-driven approaches, and housing solutions.

Of particular significance is the desired vision to align with federal and provincial strategies and focussing our efforts to achieve functional-zero homelessness by 2030, where experiences of homelessness are rare, brief and non-recurring which Minister Lore expressed her commitment to collaborating closely with the Alliance to implement effective measures and policies that address the root causes of homelessness while bolstering support networks for families at risk.

The meeting underscored the shared dedication of both the Ministry and the Alliance to tackle the complex issue of homelessness comprehensively. By synergizing our efforts and leveraging resources effectively, we aim to create a more inclusive and supportive community where every individual and family has a safe place, they can call home.

As discussions continue, the partnership between Minister Grace Lore and the Alliance to End Homelessness stands as a beacon of hope in the journey towards a more equitable and compassionate society.

We thank the Minister for her unwavering dedication to community-driven outcomes and her tireless efforts to ensure all families in our province are thriving.