Welcome to the Surfacing our Strengths portal!
Surfacing our Strengths: Co-Creating Strategic Solutions with Women+ At Risk of Violence and Homelessness Solutions Lab webpage is for partners and others interested in learning more about our National Housing Strategy (NHS) Solutions Lab (August 2020-June 2022) as well as information for and about Women+ fleeing violence.
Here you will find resources and information about the Solutions Lab, such as its purpose, key questions, partners, and resources. You will also find resources for and about Women+ at risk of violence and homelessness, as well as past and upcoming activities and events.
Here is information about our National Housing Strategy Solutions Lab (2022-2022).
An Introduction to the Solutions Lab
The Solutions Lab focused on creating accessible, safe, and appropriate housing supports and solutions for Women+ at risk of violence and homelessness in the Greater Victoria Region.
Solutions Lab Invitation
How might we co-develop equitable, safe and culturally supportive responses to the housing needs of Women+ who have been/are at risk of experiencing violence and homelessness in the Greater Victoria Region?
How might we co-develop solutions in a way that protects the dignity and cultural identity of Women+?
Our Challenge
Violence plays a pivotal role in experiences of homelessness for Women, and especially for Indigenous Women due to the ongoing impacts of colonialism. The homelessness-serving sector and domestic violence sector currently operate quite separately, presenting challenges to providing responsive, person-centered and culturally appropriate supports and housing options. Women’s Shelters Canada notes that, “while there is a general recognition of the link between violence against women (VAW), housing, and homelessness, the VAW shelter sector has had limited involvement with the housing and homelessness sectors.“ As a result, many Women+ are “poorly served by both, or not served by either – especially Indigenous Women and others with multiple marginalizations”.
Our project strove to create the conditions in which all peoples enjoy full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination. (Article 22 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples)
Having trouble finding something? Or to learn more, please email:
Michelle Vanchu-Orosco, Director of Research & Data Analysis – Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region
Andrew Holeton, Director of Collaborative Engagement & Impact – Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region
Thank you to our funder and project partners, CMHC!
Surfacing Our Strengths: Co-creating Strategic Solutions with Women+ At Risk of Violence and Homelessness received funding
from the National Housing Strategy under the NHS Solutions Labs.